At home in Grafenegg Festival Weekend 3 Festival Green Event
28/08/2024 We 19.15


Enno Poppe

Tonkunstler Orchestra · Sarah Maria Sun · Enno Poppe



Past event

Portrait of Enno Poppe
Enno Poppe © Harald Hoffmann


  • Orchester
    Tonkünstler-Orchester Niederösterreich
  • Sopran
    Sarah Maria Sun
  • Tontechnik
    Germán Toro-Pérez
  • Dirigent
    Enno Poppe


  • 00:26:00
    Georg Friedrich Haas
  • 00:17:00
    Luigi Nono
  • 00:28:00
    Enno Poppe

Supporting programs

28/08/2024 We 16.30


Tonkünstler-Orchester / Enno Poppe

Past event

28/08/2024 We 18.00


Nicolette Schäfer

How to book

Alle unter 26 Jahren erhalten 50 % Ermäßigung auf den Ticketpreis (buchbar online oder in den Kartenbüros).
Mit gültigem Behindertenpass erhält man 50 % Ermäßigung, eine eingetragene Begleitperson kann das Konzert gratis besuchen (nur in den Kartenbüros buchbar).


Who says that the music of our time is unsingable? «I would like to sing», declares a poetic fragment by Friedrich Hölderlin, quoted by Georg Friedrich Haas in connection with his orchestral piece «Natures mortes». The work is also an «attempt to (re)invent something like <cantabile>», he writes, also pointing to the combination of different chordal overtones and rhythmic patterns inspired by the paintings of Roy Lichtenstein. Haas impressed himself onto the collective memory in Grafenegg as Composer in Residence in 2022 with his «Parkmusik für Grafenegg». Under the direction of Enno Poppe, Composer in Residence 2024, the Tonkunstler perform electrifying new music, including, appropriately enough, the Austrian premiere of Poppe's most recent orchestral work «Strom».

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